Resident Return Visa
For permanent residents whose visa has or is about to expire who want to travel abroad and re-enter Australia, or for former Australian citizens who have renounced to their citizenship status
Why should I apply for a Resident Return visa?
Only Australian citizens have an automatic right of entry to Australia. If you are a non-citizen traveling abroad and would like to return to Australia you are required to have a visa to re-enter the country. Normally, permanent residents can use their permanent resident visa to travel abroad and return to Australia for up to five years from the date the visa was granted. After five years, permanent resident must obtain a Five Year Resident Return visa in order to re-enter the country.
To apply for this visa you must have spent 2 years, within the last 5 living in Australia and be:
- an Australian permanent resident
- a former Australian permanent resident whose last permanent visa was not cancelled
- a former Australian citizen who lost or resigned your citizenship. For example, because you became a national of another country that did not allow double citizenship.
How long is this visa valid for?
What happens if my passport expires?
How do I apply?
You can apply for a Resident Return visa from inside or outside Australia. You can also apply online or by postal mail filing Form 1085.
You will need to supply supporting documentation to prove:
- Your identity: Certified copies of your passport;AND
- Your immigration status: Evidence of your current or former permanent resident visa;OR
- Your ties with Australia: If you do not meet the residence requirement you must prove your substantial ties with Australia. This may be business, employment, personal or cultural related.
How long does it take?
If you have permanent resident status and file from inside Australia the DHA will aim to process your application within 1 business day. If you file from outside Australia the processing time will be approximately two weeks
If you are a former permanent resident, the processing times will vary between 6 to 9 months if you apply inside Australia or 9 to 12 months if you are outside Australia at the moment you file your application.

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(+61 2) 8850 3946
Your Immigration Needs
I want to bring my parents to Australia
Parents of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen may be able to migrate to Australia.
Am I eligible for Skilled Migration
General Skilled Migration is the most popular form of permanent migration to Australia.
I want to do business or invest in Australia
Business innovation and investment visa is for people to do general business activities, or business investment activities.
My Visa has been refused or cancelled
A right to respond to negative allegation or comment. A right to be heard by an independent and impartial tribunal. A decision that is impartial and unbiased.
I have a partner or family in Australia
An Australia spouse visa lets your spouse (husband or wife) or your de facto partner (fiance, in a committed relationship) immigrate to Australia.
I want to work in Australia
Working holiday Visas
Employer-Sponsored Visas
Independent Work Visas
Temporary Graduate Visas
I have Criminal record/health issues and my visa may be refused
I am not sure if I qualify for Citizenship or Resident Return
I just have simple question
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